Sunday, May 7, 2017

  •  It was from India and it is based in the game the majority of us already know which is  “WHO WANTS TO BE A MILLIONAIRE”  where the gamer is a teenager that live in a poor situation with his brother and mom. It is awesome because Jamal was answering all the questions correctly but How does he do that if he didn’t finish the school? and it is due to he always relate the questions with his daily life in the past when he was a child

  • Jamal continues in the program playing and here as soon the hostess ask the next question, Jamal had had another memory, he remember when he and his brother was sleeping on the street and suddenly they met a little girl called Latika, they were friends from there and they passed all the time on the street with the lack of food but a man gave them something to eat.

  • Latika was going to find Jamal but the brother caught her so it was too late, Jamal continues in the program and the end was near but the hostess did not want that Jamal won so he did that he was kidnapped but the next day was last part and Jamal won the whole money and finally he could be with Latika.

Forrest Gump cumplió 20 años, dejó siete lecciones de vida 
          FORREST GUMP
  • It was about the childhood of a man whom story was narrated to a woman who sit next to him, then we saw how was his life, for example he was bullied by his friends due to he was a stranger to them, he wore some specific instruments for his legs and suddenly when he was walking with his mom, two men saw him in a rare way and that was shocking for his self esteem but his mom made him feel special always.

Resultado de imagen para forrest gump pesca
  • Forrest managed to save Lieutenant Dan during the war and that as a result he was awarded a gold medal for being a brave, then Forrest had compounded a pot with the money raised because he had discovered new skills and strengths like tennis was table where he had the opportunity to travel to many countries, Lieutenant Dan helped Forrest to fish shrimp that at first was very hard but in the end they managed to catch enough.   

Resultado de imagen para forrest gump 
  • Forrest remembered that he was so fast for running and he starts running from home and he didn't stop until 3 years, people follow him and they also start running, then the media interviewed him so Jenny saw him through television, she was surprised due to the physical change but then they met again and Jenny told Forrest that he had a SON that was so amazing but now Jenny got sick and she died, Forrest took care of his son, then he starts classes and that was like going back to the beginning and the movie ends when Forrest wait for him until he comes to home.
  • The title is an understatement, and so is the film. Roman Polanski's "The Pianist" tells the story of a Polish Jew, a classical musician, who survived the Holocaust through stoicism and good luck. This is not a thriller, and avoids any temptation to crank up suspense or sentiment; it is the pianist's witness to what he saw and what happened to him. 

  • The family of Władysław Szpilman, whose story became the inspiration for Roman Polanski’s Oscar-winning Holocaust movie The Pianist, has won an appeal against claims that he collaborated with the Nazis and the members are: Mother, Father, Halina, Wladek, Henryk and Regina

  • The film is based on the autobiography of Wladyslaw Szpilman, who was playing Chopin on a Warsaw radio station when the first German bombs fell. Szpilman's family was prosperous and seemingly secure, and his immediate reaction was, "I'm not going anywhere." We watch as the Nazi noose tightens. His family takes heart from reports that England and France have declared war; surely the Nazis will soon be defeated and life will return to normal.

The perfect couple
  • The perfect couple nowadays is the couple who show that they have the same interest in life, they know how to maintain their relationship for years, but the perfect couple does not mean that they do not present discussions or other personal problems, this shows the different perspectives of each One and at this point you notice the relationship of a couple, as they must do everything possible to be able to fix it and reach a solution.

  • The perfect couple does not exist, because no person is, there will always be mistakes that both people make, nevertheless the important thing is that in spite of everything they must be loved and accepted as they are, with the problems, with the bad mood of each One, With their virtues and their shortcomings, that makes the life they lead together is more beautiful, Mutual support, doing household chores together and with enthusiasm.

  • So that there are no problems, or just so that when you consider yourself to have Children, do not get a bad image of this issue, as both men and women, can perform the tasks that are at home, Despite this, there is an even more important factor to achieve a great life with their high And low, this is knowing how to love yourself, Do not humble yourself, And let go of what you do not value or do not give us enough support, a person always has to help us grow, but not to decline in the process.

  • February 14 is a date remembered worldwide for celebrating some of the most beautiful feelings that we as human beings can feel "Love". But a lot of us have asked ourselves the question, Why is Valentine celebrated? There are many theories and stories about how and why it was celebrated on February 14 as Valentine's Day.

  • The best known is about a Roman physician who became a priest in the times of Emperor Claudius II. The emperor forbade marriage for the young people because according to him unmarried singles were better soldiers, since they had fewer ties, but Valentin considered that this decree was unfair and challenged the leader, secretly holding marriages for young people who were in love.

  • According to us The South newspaper (2017) From there, the stamp reminds us of Saint Valentine as the saint of all lovers, but over the years traditions and customs have changed making this day one of the most commercial of the year, which makes us To think What did Valentine become?

  • The problems of the first world countries are insignificant compared to those of third world countries; this is because the lack of a high economy, the lifestyle of many people in a third world country is miserable.

  • They face many problems, whether economic and social politicians such as large numbers of illiterate people, this makes the large number of these people do not excel and conform to a basic salary or in many cases there will be economic dependence on the part of the government. 

  • These countries try to combat poverty and other social problems. While the first world countries try to take advantage of this and exploit the natural resources of Third World countries a lower price than common. Many people to make their opinions known. Uses music, and a very popular genre is rap. Because to that your style according to the subject of the situation you want to come across, whether to give encouragement or make known a social reality.


Truancy is a very commom problem in high schools, is when the student wants to get out of the classes without permission the whole day. The authorities in some countries establish punishments that maybe can prevent this terrible situation in high schools.

There are some cases in which students leave without asking permission from the classroom, it is important to understand that it takes the courage to do something as such, on the other hand these people who do it are based on whether they have problems In homes and even with drugs,
sometimes there is no communication with the parents which causes them to be absent due to some situation that is presented to them, other times they do it because there is a duty and they do not have it complete, it is important to take caution about This issue because it is better to face the situation.

In the whole world there are truant students, but each country has different rules and interests and this leads many countries to show disinterest in the problem and this leads to a greater lack of interest on the part of students. 

  • And the best way to stop this is to take an interest in young people because they are the future of our society. 
  •  Therefore it is better to try to communicate by asking for suggestions to improve the study and thus the students show a greater interest and that is profitable

  Homeless is when you feel rejected from your family or from the society and:
  •     You live with no kind of shelter at any part of the city.
  •     Maybe you can sleep in a good condition but you don't have family.
  •     You can sleep in your friends home.
   Houseless is when you live in an inadequate condition and you want to leave that place due to: 
  •    Maybe you do not have the enough money to pay.
  •    Bad experience of shelter.
  •   They don't need a roof over their head.  

One reason of a homeless people is because is a psicological problem and you feel everybody avoids you sometimes without any reason, and the reason of a houseless people is because they do noy have the capacity to live in a good condition and they are looking for other people home to sleep for a time.

The consequences in both is that whether or not they are living on streets, maybe they live in trucks or cars but in some cases the police can carry them to the jail and with more reason if someone help them, the problem will be worse.

Runaways is when you make the decision to go out of the house because:
  •    Teens did something wrong and maybe they feel nervous to say to their parents.
  •    Someone at home had a figth.
  •    Teens are abused by parents or any other member of the family.
Thrownaways is when parents take you to kick out because:
  •    Someone teens do not represent nothing to their parents.
  •    Sometimes is because parents do not have money to maintein them.

One of the reasons of a teenager wants to get out is because they have problems with their parents, and the reason for a teenager is discarded, is because parents do not care about them, they are on the streets.

The consequences in both are different but they can suffer due to: drugs, alcohol, beg for money, beg for food, beg for clothes even they can sleep next to the garbage and other problems.

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